Tuesday 6 March 2007

40 days and 40 Nights

As some of you might have realised lent started a couple of weeks ago, the 40 days leading up to Easter where, traditionally, people ‘give up’ certain habits or pleasures. Now a guilty secret I have is that I have never given anything up for this period. I have thought about it but never gone through with it – until this year. Both me and Martha thought that we should give up Caffeine this year, we aren’t the biggest drinkers in the world, like all good Brits I enjoy and good cup of tea and have recently been introduced to the joys of coffee but aside from the odd cup we are hardly addicts. Still I was intrigued as to whether I would feel any different and also whether I could manage for the whole time. Well it’s nearly two weeks in and…. we failed miserably. Though to be fair those two weeks included trips to Brighton for Tina’s birthday and Northampton for Dan’s Dad’s 50th, both involving long nights and partying… but we still failed. So as of yesterday (Monday 5th March) we reset the Lent clock for another 40 days with the hopes of a more successful run this time! Anyway I though I would include this on the blog as it may well encourage me to stick to the plan this time, and I’ll be sure to keep you all informed of my progress and increasingly shaky hands as the weeks go on…

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