Wednesday 31 October 2007

Get Corrupted

Just a quick one today with some impressions of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I have been a huge fan of the series thoroughly enjoying the first two games in the series on the Gamecube and as such have been hotly anticipating this third game on the Wii. Having played through about the first hour or so I find myself in the position to make some initial impressions. Firstly this game starts very differently to the other Prime games, with a more obvious and involving story it draws you in nicely and makes a great change from the minimalist style of storytelling of the first two games. Immediately the thing you notice is that the game looks stunning, a definite step up from the first two games (Which both looks amazing also) Prime 3 has an amazing level of detail and architecture and the game benefits from the added grunt of the Wii. Now the Wii is never going to have Xbox 360 level graphics in purely technical terms but stylistically this is one of the best looking games I’ve seen. Added to this is the fact that it runs perfectly smoothly and the invisible loading once again helps the whole world feel connected. The controls are the biggest overhaul in the game and they work very well indeed. Utilising the Wii remote the controls are responsive and accurate, the at times frustrating slowness of the Gamecube game is gone and this is a much more fluid scheme. It does take a bit of getting used to (I’d recommend putting the sensitivity settings to advanced) but after just an hour I already much prefer it to the Cube layout and for that matter all other console FPS’s. Like I said the game starts very differently, there is a lot more interaction and team work with the Alliance which feels a bit odd, the Metroid series has always been about isolation, but it’s so well executed and feels so fresh that it really works in giving you something new. Along with the overhaul of the graphics some design elements have been re-jigged also, the visors are handily located on one button allowing you to quickly choose, and the new look to the power ups, doors and general items help the game feel new and not as cut as paste as the first two did at times. Still it is early days yet and the prospect of another giant game world to explore as Samus fills me with excitement. If you are a Wii owner who bemoans the lack of decent games you owe it to yourself to get this game, it is involving, beautiful and above all fun to play. As I have previously mentioned there is a distinct lack of advertising in relation to this game which is a massive shame, I hope that I can do my bit to spread the word and help this do well enough to justify more challenging hardcore games to be released on the Wii.

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