Tuesday 15 April 2008

Wii in 2008

I have been a bit slack on the gaming posting lately, this was intended for earlier in the year but before it got to late I thought I'd better get this post written! There are a ton of great looking games coming out for all systems this year, here I will focus on the Wii as that is the platform I own and therefore have the most interest in, but I may well do a follow up post with a wider look at the games coming up for all platforms this year. With all 3 consoles firmly established the focus can finally switch to the games, with second (and third) generation titles appearing as well we will start to see the developers really get to grips with each platform and whatever console you own there will be a host of fantastic titles available this year. So without further ado onto the games, with added clips for your enjoyment... Mario Kart Wii I know it just came out but looks like great fun and online as well which I look forward to exploring! Okami A port of the PS2 game but with improved visuals and added Wii remote functionality this looks like the ultimate version of one of the best games of the past couple of years that I never got to play! Count me excited! Boom Blox A puzzle game developed by EA and Steven Spielberg this looks fun and unique. Super Smash Bros. Brawl OK, I know this is also out in the US already but not here! With enough features to last all year and online modes as well this looks like the ultimate version of one of the best party games of recent years, set a release date please! Wii Fit A hybrid of game and fitness program this still looks like it could be good fun and also practical, I predict it will take the world by storm when it is released in a couple of weeks.

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