Monday 13 October 2008

Check it out Day 4: Primer

OK, busy-ness caught up with me but in the short time I have now I'm going to keep these articles going. Today we're looking at Primer, a low budget sci-fi film made a few years ago for just $7,000 in borrowed locations / houses and yet with enough invention, smarts and intrigue to put most multi-million dollar blockbusters to shame. Its fitting maybe that the film works best the less you know about it, it is relatively brief running at uner 80 minutes with credits but warrants re-watching for its complex plot may have your mind in stiches the first time through. Despite the low budget this is an expertly crafted film with a great soundtrack and visual style, Shane Carruth the guiding vocie behind the project not only directs and stars but has his hands in all functions of the film and is definitely a name to look out for. This was not a big film by any respect but won some festivals and is out on DVD now and I highly reccomend it if you have an interest in cerebral science fiction films. Its encouraging and reassuring to be reminded that at the end of the day a good film is not about budget or stars, but a good story expertly told, regardless of the circumstances.

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