Sunday 2 January 2011

The 2011 Project

Hello? Hello...? Is this thing on?

OK so true to form, I took a little break there. Promises were made and broken, time passed. Governments changed and wars raged. Life didn't so much as get in the way as completely envelop my half-hearted aims for the blog. To speak honestly (as I suppose one is supposed to on such an occasion) I had set myself a wide range of topics to discuss on the blog, and then failed to really keep up with any of it. Too wide a net? Possibly, though not to lift any of the personal blame from my own lethargic shoulders. So, in customary New Year style, I find myself back here again, resolutions clutched firmly in hand, knocking resolutely on the door of 'let's try this again'.

But let's do things differently this time. The title of this post is important, I need to see this as a project and to get some focus, as my previous 'if and when I feel like it' attitude to posting clearly failed its field test. My focus this year will be to catalogue all the films that I watch, along with my thoughts on them. Partly, I confess, as a way of putting my voice out there, adding to the critical mass of conversation that defines the internet, but also as a personal record of what I watch and when, and my reactions at the time. I will record entries for all films new to me that I watch this year, but also, where appropriate, offer up some thoughts on films I am revisiting (an example of this will be found in my first review of the year as a matter of fact).

I will admit my inspiration for this is not completely my own, I have a friend undergoing a similar task to thank as well, but I hope that this will be a concept narrow enough for me to be able to keep up with, and, in time, a foundation to build on as well as a good way to get me back in the habit of writing on a regular basis.

So I will be back later with my first review of the year, if you are reading this then I thank you, and hope you will stick around to join the conversation throughout the year.

Oh and happy new year.

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