Saturday 14 May 2011

Winter's Bone (2010)

Set in the remote and destitute Ozark country in central America, Winter's Bone is simple story, powerfully and effectively told. 17 year old Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence) struggles to look after her younger siblings, with an absent father and sick mother her situation comes to a head when she finds out one day that she is at risk of losing the house, unless she can track down her drug dealing father and get him to the sheriff in time for his trial. From this simple premise Winter's Bone paints a disturbing and fascinating picture of this remote community, with its long buried secrets. The unforgiving bleakness of the environments and weather extends to most of the population as well, as Ree seeks out distant relatives and associates of her father she begins to dig into things that are best left alone, putting herself in real danger.
In the lead role Jennifer Lawrence is very impressive, she convinces as Ree, the lost and scared girl who has been forced to grow up too fast, letting her steely outer shell give way to an inner heartbreak. She is a reluctant heroine, a million miles away from the plucky teenage girl she might have been, instead she has a beaten down resolve that propels her forward, almost instinctively. The supporting cast does a great job of populating the community with real characters, the film makers do a good job of negotiating away from mountain-town stereotypes and even the nastiest characters have an authenticity to them  that was unexpected. The stand out though is John Hawkes who plays Ree's uncle. He starts out violent and unpredictable but slowly warms to Ree's plight. It's probably the nearest the film has to any kind of character arc and it is constantly affecting.
The film is handsomely constructed, the cinematography evocative and scary, the trees that line the town constantly foreboding and intimidating. There is a palpable sense of danger and unease throughout Ree's quest which is compelling, but leaves the film feeling quite bleak and tough going at times. In some way I feel I admired the film more than I loved it, which was a shame. It is hard to fault on a technical level, but something about the story never quite drew me in as it might have. The film is quite slow as well, and the lack of sympathetic characters can cause it to drag, even the climax is remarkably subdued, the emotions always kept in check.
Winter's Bone is not your standard thriller, or coming of age story. It mixes elements of both with a sad and low-key story about family and the secrets we keep, I just wish it had resonated with me on a deeper level.

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