Saturday 29 June 2013

2013 Blog Update

So another lull befell my blog, as it is want to do and once again I return to it. A cleaner look now I hope, a fresh lick of paint to accompany the return to writing and sharing. As ever my thoughts when it come to this blog shift and blur, I want it to be an outlet for things that are on my mind, and the writing I do here and elsewhere, but also somewhere that somehow represents me as I am in the moment. So whether this is articles on particular aspects or pieces of media that provoke a reaction in me, or an excuse for me to wax lyrical about something close my heart, my overall aim is purely that I keep it up, however sporadically and irregularly. But I will try and be more regular, I will try and put more of myself out there because... well because I can I suppose and because we all crave our voices to be heard sometimes.

My latest review for D-Pad review sits below this post (unless you view this in isolation) and I will continue to use this as a platform for my writing there. I also have a (very) short story I'm hoping to finish up and post soon, for a nice change of pace and to keep my fiction writing muscles from atrophying completely. So if you are reading this, then thanks and I look forward again to seeing what this blog becomes, and where my writing takes it.


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