Tuesday 20 February 2007

The Incredibles

Pixar have in the past eight years ushered in the era of computer generated films with groundbreaking film after film being released to massive critical and public acclaim. For their latest offering they have recruited outside talent in the form of former Simpsons employee and Iron Giant director Brad Bird, a name I am sure we will hear a lot more of in the future. While not a massive success the Iron Giant was a fantastic little film and the potential showed there has come to be fully realised in The Incredibles. Dealing with a retired family of superheroes forced into hiding the story effortlessly blends different themes of midlife crisis, family and making the most of out potential and ability and fits them all into a rollercoaster ride of pure entertainment. The film looks gorgeous and is Pixar's first foray into the world of real humans and while cartoons they are so brilliantly realised and animated that you swear within those eyes there are real feelings and emotions. It's scary how lifelike their actions and how moving their story can be and it is this skill that deftly draws you into the story from the start and doesn't let up. The opening hour is slower than you may be expecting as it sets up the family and the situation, and is less laugh out loud funny than the other Pixar offerings. However it leads into the last action packed hour which doesn't skip a beat and leaves you wanting more. Basically this is a fantastic film in all respects. Clever and witty whilst remaining nostalgic to the bygone era of superhero's and James Bond villains this is truly a film the whole family will love and you may find yourself watching over and over. It is amazingly beautiful and the design is unparalleled. The score adds tremendously to the drama of the story and voice acting as usual with Pixar is nigh on perfect with an eclectic cast truly bringing these characters to life. Easily one of my favourite films of the year and Pixar's best yet which is really saying something! Rarely do movies this perfect come along. Another masterpiece from Pixar that excels, even by their high standards. A true modern classic, funny, exciting, smart and stunning to look at.

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