Tuesday 27 February 2007

Mission Impossible 3

J.J. Abrams was seen as a risky choice to take over the reigns of the Mission Impossible series. A first time film director with TV experience he doesn't seem the right man to get the series back on track after the disappointing and overblown MI2. But when you consider the shows he has been involved in include Alias and Lost, it becomes less surprising that has exceeded all expectations with this film. Going back to the roots of the original television series and further away from the flashy gunplay of the second this film this is a masterful action film that rarely pauses for breath, or makes a wrong step. I was blown away by the film from the start and would definitely class it as one of the best all out action films of the past few years. There is a certain realism to the proceedings, the characters feel more real, the action more intense that seperate this from the majority of the so-so action fare that has been released recently. The pot concerns Ethan Hunt being brought back into the fray at IMF when a sadistic arms dealer, played to perfection by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, kidnaps his girlfriend and charges Ethan and his team with recovering a deadly weapon for him. The plot twists and turns, as any good Mission Impossible one should, and draws you in from the start. More than any of the other films in the series this tries to identify Ethan as a more rounded character whose attempts to leave his life at IMF behind and start again come undone at the seams. It is a bit strange to see Tom Cruise acting again given all his recent antics and the film is a timely reminder of his abilities. Whatever you think of the man he brings a renewed intensity and desperation to Ethan this time round, for the first time he has a weakness and seems vunerable - he has something to lose. The filmmakers play on this expertly cranking up the tension bit by bit as the film progresses following each action sequence with another even more entertaining. The film is quite brutal and harsh but also very clever and Ethan's team of agents is utilised here better than in any of the other two films. The film isn't perfect and the main story peters out towards the end as the focus turns to the personal conflicts involved, but aside from this and some rather cliched twists in the tail the film is a resounding success. With great performances, some amazingly integrated effects and a first time director clearly in his element this is one of the most exciting and entertaining blockbusters to be in cinemas in a while. So if you evern remotely liked the first two you'll have a blast with MI3. Highly recommended. Amazing stunts, a franetic pace and some great performances make this the best Mission Impossible yet. With eat set piece outdoing the last and some real emotion tossed into the action this leads where other action films should follow.

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