Monday 26 February 2007

War of the Worlds

Wow. Coming out of the cinema one of the first things that came to mind was that word, and now a day later it still fits. This film blew me away, in a way few films ever have. In a way I wasn’t prepared for how intense it would be, how relentless Spielberg is with his action and how brutal this War was really going to be. Like I said – wow. Now while there are parts of me that want to endlessly talk about the film, in one way I don’t have much to say. It’s wonderful, plain and simple. Brilliantly constructed and acted. The opening half hour is breathtaking, showcasing some of the best special effects put to film. Time and time again Spielberg shows how he is the master of action and suspense throughout - this is a tense film, nerve wracking and unrelenting. It is at the same time an epic, and very personal film. An epic event is hitting the world, but you only see it from one family’s point of view. These people lost in the madness of chaos just trying to survive. And you are put right there with them every step of the way. For some reason this film feels much more real than nearly any Hollywood blockbuster. Still I can’t exactly say why. It feels gritty, it feels like life and scarily it seems believable in a strange way. Rather than typical hero’s we have Tom Cruise played a flawed, failing dad. He has no master plan, no secret weapon. He is just trying to survive and protect his kids. We don’t see news reports from around the world. Huge aerial shots of the battles going on around the world because we don’t need it. We see and hear enough by what they go through. Don’t worry about there being nothing spectacular though because there is. But I don’t want to tell you about this film. I love the fact that hardly anything is given away in the trailers and adverts. This is a film that is so much better when you don’t have a clue what’s coming next. It’s a great move and pays off time and time again. The film isn’t perfect, there are a few moments that are a tad clichéd and while I do love the ending it could have been better explained, but this film does something I didn’t think was possible any more. In the midst of CG films and alien films left right and centre it grabs you are shows you something familiar in a way you’ve never seen before. It is a masterclass in filmmaking, and doesn’t let up at all. Yet despite the gloom Spielberg finds the heart of the story and he keeps you riveted for two hours. Not often do images and moments from films stick with me after the film has ended but some of the stuff here will stay with me for a while. Until I can see it again of course. Whatever your interpretation of the film (is it about the Iraq war? Terrorism?) you can’t deny that this is stunning stuff that literally tramples over the blockbusters from recent years in terms of sheer visceral power and storytelling. Spielberg is on top form again with a moody and dark nightmare that sucks you in and refuses to let go. Powerful and moving it brilliantly focuses on a global event in a unique way. Unmissable.

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