Monday 28 November 2011

The November Project - Days 25-28

Another brief update, things have still been progressing well over the last few days, I'm still behind schedule but going strong nonetheless. I have now reached page 99 and still intend to continue on until the script is complete (as opposed to simply the month). I am approaching the end but it is still difficult to know how long it will end up. 
It has been a bit of a tough period with some creative stumbling blocks, but I have managed to work through them, at least in a way that I am happy with for now and it has helped having this project as momentum to keep going and not turn back, or start to re-evaluate the whole piece. That comes next and I keep wanting to jump the gun, a tendency I am attempting to curb.
I shall keep these updates going until I am finished with Draft 1, then going forwards I will follow up with my progress on a more sporadic basis and try to get back to some film reviews. But all that is to come, now I have to focus on finishing this thing!
Pages today: 3
Total pages: 99

Thursday 24 November 2011

The November Project - Days 18-24

Oh dear.
That's rather a big gap to leave and I once again apologise. It's been a busy few days and the writing has suffered a little bit, but as I'm nearing the back end of the script I have a balance between spending time writing, but also figuring out the story, as this part was only very loosely sketched when I started so I want to be able to write to some sort of plan, rather than just for the sheer sake of it.
I'm currently at 84 pages which is still very good, I may not now get the entire first draft done in November (fear not, I shall keep writing every day until it is done) but the original aim of 120 pages was always a bit of a moving target, there is no set length for a script, especially a first draft and even now I'm unsure of how long this will end up.
Still after a couple of days of planning and not being available I got back on that writing horse today for a solid 4 pages which I will endeavour to keep up for as long as it takes.
Pages today: 4
Total pages: 84

Thursday 17 November 2011

The November Project - Days 15-17

Another week, and another break in these updates. I think attempting them daily on the blog in addition to writing the script was a noble effort but one that was doomed to failure, thankfully the same has not been the case for the actual writing which has taken precedence (as it should) and kept to schedule so far this week managing my 4 pages a day so far.
As far along as I am with this now the part I am often struggling with at the moment is resisting the urge to look back and assess, based on things that have changed as I've written and as the story and characters have changed in my mind. All that comes later and I need to keep focusing on what is to come. In terms of my planing we are into the somewhat sketchier second half of the month now where I have less defined from a story point of view, which will make the next couple of weeks interesting I'm sure!
The biggest thing I am taking away is how much of a learning exercise this whole endeavour is and that the sheer habit of actually getting down to it and writing is the most important part. It is so difficult, but rewarding too, just to be actually getting stuff down and I am getting towards understanding that you only get better by writing more, so that's what I intend to do.
Pages today: 4
Total pages: 68

Monday 14 November 2011

The November Project - Day 14

Greetings, I have returned from a three day hiatus and have managed to get straight back on the wagon, which was always the challenge. I managed a solid 5 pages today to put me back on track and it's nice to think I can back off a but if needed now to my standard 4 pages a day pace after doing a bit more for the last week or so.
Other than that no major discoveries today, except for the fact that I am really noticing now how much easier it's getting each day to sit down and just get on with writing, so I am very keen for this to be something regular (but not quite as intensive) that I continue with after the month is done. Until then though I slip away for another day, until then, farewell.

Pages today: 5
Total pages: 56

Thursday 10 November 2011

The November Project - Days 7-10

I have returned, to the world of blogging anyway. You should be please to note though that this does not mean that I have not been writing these past few days, because I most certainly have. Given that I am away from Friday - Sunday this week I knew I had to write some extra pages this week to make up for this and to not leave me much catch up work next week. Thankfully I have managed this through two good sessions on Monday and today, with a more difficult slog yesterday.
As I'm learning that's just how this goes sometimes, when you sit down on some days the words will just flow, on others you just question your ability to string words together in a way that is anything other than an affront to the written word itself.
So at this stage I am well ahead of plan, and just one page short of where I would have been by Monday which puts me in great stead to keep up next week in the same fashion that I have managed so far. I will also endeavour to remember to post a quick update here each day as well rather than these summaries, but I make no promises.
So I bid you farewell until Monday.
Pages today: 7
Total pages: 51

Monday 7 November 2011

The November Project - Days 5 and 6

A bit of a late double update from the weekend so apologies for the delay. I managed to get quite a bit done this weekend which was good, including re-writing a scene from Friday, which may be slightly counter productive given my challenge but the scene needed to go so I was glad for the change.
Overall I managed 10 pages over the weekend which puts me still ahead of schedule and in good stead for the week ahead, but given my absence from Friday to Sunday I will still need to do more than my set amount through the week to avoid having to play catch up next week. 
Wish me luck.
Pages today: 5
Total pages: 31

Friday 4 November 2011

The November Project - Day 4

A quick end of the week update for you, I managed to get another three pages done tonight. I have to confess to being pretty burnt out and not making it four, but I had also reached a natural end point of a scene so am happy to leave an extra page or two for the weekend.
It was a bit more of a chore to get to it today, once I was done procrastinating all I could though I still managed it which I was pleased with. Some end of week burn-out meant that it probably wasn't my best work, but that's not really what this month is about.
So I go into the weekend still in good shape and with plans to do a few more pages than normal seeing as I have a pretty quiet couple of days lined up, which should leave me in good stead for next week.
So until then, I'll bid you farewell.
Pages today: 3 
Total pages: 21

Thursday 3 November 2011

The November Project - Days 2 and 3

Hello again, just another quick update on my progress. I know I said I'd update every day (and I will endeavour too) but I had no time at home yesterday so have consolidated it with today. I did however manage 2 pages early in the morning yesterday, and a full 4 today which keeps me ahead of schedule thanks to my slight headstart but it's nice to keep that buffer as I'm sure there will be more days this month that will work out much like yesterday.
It was somewhat tough going today to sit down and get going but once I did the words came pretty quickly and I can already see the benefits of booking out regular time focus on a task such as this. So there's still a long way to go, but I'm at 18 pages now and looking forward to continuing tomorrow.
Pages today (and yesterday): 6
Total pages: 18

Tuesday 1 November 2011

The November Project - Day 1

Is it November already? Well seeing as I've signed myself up doing this writing challenge I pretty much have to through with it now. Day 1 has been good though in all seriousness, I will confess I am not starting my script completely from scratch I had approx. 10 rough pages written from a little while ago that I am building on, which gives me a bit of a cushion that I'm sure I will need through the month. For today though I re-familiarised myself with what I had done, changed a few bits (but no real editing, that comes next month!) then continued it on until I reached just past 12 pages. 
So only a couple of new pages written but it puts me on a nice even number in terms of the challenge and has got me back up to speed with what I was doing. Now I already know I am out for pretty much all of tomorrow evening (planning is evidently not my strong suit) so I will endeavour to get some early morning writing done to at least continue things, I will of course post an update here regardless of how successful this is.
So a good start and generally it just feels good to get going with this and getting down to actually writing. I'm sure I will struggle along the way, but as of now I'm feeling quite good about the whole thing.
It'll never last.
Pages today: 2
Total pages: 12