Tuesday 1 November 2011

The November Project - Day 1

Is it November already? Well seeing as I've signed myself up doing this writing challenge I pretty much have to through with it now. Day 1 has been good though in all seriousness, I will confess I am not starting my script completely from scratch I had approx. 10 rough pages written from a little while ago that I am building on, which gives me a bit of a cushion that I'm sure I will need through the month. For today though I re-familiarised myself with what I had done, changed a few bits (but no real editing, that comes next month!) then continued it on until I reached just past 12 pages. 
So only a couple of new pages written but it puts me on a nice even number in terms of the challenge and has got me back up to speed with what I was doing. Now I already know I am out for pretty much all of tomorrow evening (planning is evidently not my strong suit) so I will endeavour to get some early morning writing done to at least continue things, I will of course post an update here regardless of how successful this is.
So a good start and generally it just feels good to get going with this and getting down to actually writing. I'm sure I will struggle along the way, but as of now I'm feeling quite good about the whole thing.
It'll never last.
Pages today: 2
Total pages: 12

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