Thursday 24 November 2011

The November Project - Days 18-24

Oh dear.
That's rather a big gap to leave and I once again apologise. It's been a busy few days and the writing has suffered a little bit, but as I'm nearing the back end of the script I have a balance between spending time writing, but also figuring out the story, as this part was only very loosely sketched when I started so I want to be able to write to some sort of plan, rather than just for the sheer sake of it.
I'm currently at 84 pages which is still very good, I may not now get the entire first draft done in November (fear not, I shall keep writing every day until it is done) but the original aim of 120 pages was always a bit of a moving target, there is no set length for a script, especially a first draft and even now I'm unsure of how long this will end up.
Still after a couple of days of planning and not being available I got back on that writing horse today for a solid 4 pages which I will endeavour to keep up for as long as it takes.
Pages today: 4
Total pages: 84

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