Thursday 10 November 2011

The November Project - Days 7-10

I have returned, to the world of blogging anyway. You should be please to note though that this does not mean that I have not been writing these past few days, because I most certainly have. Given that I am away from Friday - Sunday this week I knew I had to write some extra pages this week to make up for this and to not leave me much catch up work next week. Thankfully I have managed this through two good sessions on Monday and today, with a more difficult slog yesterday.
As I'm learning that's just how this goes sometimes, when you sit down on some days the words will just flow, on others you just question your ability to string words together in a way that is anything other than an affront to the written word itself.
So at this stage I am well ahead of plan, and just one page short of where I would have been by Monday which puts me in great stead to keep up next week in the same fashion that I have managed so far. I will also endeavour to remember to post a quick update here each day as well rather than these summaries, but I make no promises.
So I bid you farewell until Monday.
Pages today: 7
Total pages: 51

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