Thursday 17 November 2011

The November Project - Days 15-17

Another week, and another break in these updates. I think attempting them daily on the blog in addition to writing the script was a noble effort but one that was doomed to failure, thankfully the same has not been the case for the actual writing which has taken precedence (as it should) and kept to schedule so far this week managing my 4 pages a day so far.
As far along as I am with this now the part I am often struggling with at the moment is resisting the urge to look back and assess, based on things that have changed as I've written and as the story and characters have changed in my mind. All that comes later and I need to keep focusing on what is to come. In terms of my planing we are into the somewhat sketchier second half of the month now where I have less defined from a story point of view, which will make the next couple of weeks interesting I'm sure!
The biggest thing I am taking away is how much of a learning exercise this whole endeavour is and that the sheer habit of actually getting down to it and writing is the most important part. It is so difficult, but rewarding too, just to be actually getting stuff down and I am getting towards understanding that you only get better by writing more, so that's what I intend to do.
Pages today: 4
Total pages: 68

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